Are you aware of the cost of bad data for your organization? With US marketers spending around $11 billion dollars each year on data, and over 90% of them relying on this data to help them deliver more personalized customer experiences, it’s beyond crucial to understand the impact of bad data.
Common issues like inaccuracy, duplicated data, and untested statistics can lead marketers to waste time, make poor decisions, and even run into compliance issues.
That’s why it’s so important for brands in every space looking to utilize the power of #BigData and #PredictiveAnalytics need to take the proper steps to identify bad data from the get-go.
We’re diving deep into how you can quickly combat bad data problems over on your company below. Check it out so you too can ensure your data is working for you, not against you.
- Demographic Append – Enhance your customer database with demographics and increase the performance of your marketing efforts.
- Leads Lists – With over 110 million households and 220 million individuals, ConsumerVision stands as one of the most trusted and comprehensive databases on the market.
- Mortgage Data – Includes nearly one million deed transactions per month, combined with a Tax Roll file of over 37 million single-family and condominium residences, resulting in millions of transactions that have been identified with a change of home ownership from the current month back to the late 1980s.
- Data Hygiene – Marketing changes at a fast pace and customer data can quickly become outdated. nSightful can help you update your database to maximize your marketing success while keeping your costs at a minimum.
- And Much More!
nSightful provides flexible, cost-effective, high-quality email and data marketing solutions. Turbo is always available 24/7 if you need to process a count, order, or append.
If you need help building a successful email marketing strategy call 866-249-1977 or email sales@nSightful.com today!