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Thoughts as we get back to the office.

Our own Greg Good shares some of his thoughts and experiences as we are about a month into being back at the office full time.


July 4th Holiday is around the corner and the country is getting ready to celebrate our Independence and the unofficial “opening back up” of the country.  Some areas of the country have been wide open for quite a while and others are just coming out of restrictions, but we are well on our way!  nSightful has been back in the office full time for about 3 1/2 weeks now and honestly I enjoy being back.  The morning hello’s, the evening “see you tomorrow’s”, “seeing” someone’s reaction to a conversation, in person meetings, not saying “you’re on mute”, being able to pop into an office.

Some things I experienced on the first day back:

How do I get my voice mail off my desk phone?

What is my desktop password?

How do I make a cup of coffee? 

It was a bit of a time capsule walking in the office for the first time in a year+.  One calendar was still on March of 2020, St. Patrick’s decorations were still up and plants that were forgot were dried out. 

Some co-workers chose not to come back, I got to meet some new co-workers in person for the first time in 6+ months of working with them and some new co-workers are starting their new adventure with us since the re-opening.

Yes, I do miss my 13 second commute from the kitchen to my home office.  I will likely never again come close to putting more miles on my bicycle than my vehicle in a year.

I have been to several “in-person” networking events, an in-person conference, some business lunches and even visited a client’s office last week.  nSightful is planning for more in-person events and tradeshows (check out our Events page on our new website).  It feels good to be back out and see people in 3D for the first time in many cases!

What were some of your ah ha and oh wow moments as your office/world opens back up?

Greg Good


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