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The 2021 Christmas Cookies Are History, but What Does the New Year Hold for the Third Party Cookie?

Marketing Professionals have had to deal with a wide swath of challenges in the year just completed, not the least of which has been the metamorphosis of “The Third Party Cookie.” These deceptively enticingly named entities are cookies created by domains that are not the website or the domain that the casual surfer might happen to be visiting. Traditionally used for online advertising purposes, and placed on a website through the addition of scripts or tags, Third Party Cookies are accessible on any website that loads the third-party server’s code. They work by embedding JavaScript from one website into another, storing data remembered between browsing sessions. They retain information in this manner, because HTTP—the web-browsing protocol—is a stateless protocol.

For better or worse, The Third Party Cookie is being phased out, a development that represents massive change for advertisers, along with significant opportunities. Brands will now have the chance to move away from vague sources supplying questionable data and focus on clean, proven first-party data that more effectively delivers exceptional experiences for the customer—actions that will enhance your company’s return on investment.

As brands prepare for this tectonic shift, they might naturally revisit the way email plays into their marketing plans for the New Year. According a recent, sophisticated study of “Life after the Third Party Cookie,” more than 50% of companies polled say they intend to devote more resources to email, recognizing how critical first-party data is to this effort. 92% of these forward-thinking operations admit that first-party data now becomes more important than it has ever been.

Incidentally, the most popular uses of first-party data remain:

  • Creating emails of a more personalized approach.
  • Predicting customer behavior, and directing it accordingly.
  • Developing targeted content on websites.

Nearly half of the companies polled admit that the demise of the Third Party Cookie will constitute a notable impact on their marketing ROI. Marketers in the industries of financial services, beauty brands, and media companies look to especially affected, though those in the areas of insurance, medical, and automotive would be wise to monitor this development, as well.

The first step is understanding how these changes will impact your prospecting and conversion use cases — and what you can do to prepare. The Marketing Professionals at nSightful bring years of relevant experience to understanding potential conundrums just such as—converting the challenge into a path that will benefit your company’s customers…and, by extension, your company as well.

Armed with what we glean from our solid, proven research into various marketing channels—the quirky world of cookies, along with email, texting, direct mail, and more—we can chart the best, custom course for your product on its way to its best audience well into the New Year, and beyond. Along the way, our specialized brand of Data Cleansing helps eliminate the dead ends that plague so many marketing efforts, including those specific to the The Third Party Cookie issue.

We’d be happy to discuss with you how best to approach these and other marketing challenges, and to present you with the most workable way to help you arrive at the happy conclusion of the satisfied customer. Contact us today….and please consider this our “fortune cookie” wish for a prosperous 2022!


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