Problem: nSightful’s Non-profit client had been using their past donors database to generate donations. They were seeing an increase in complaints of mailing to deceased relatives. Solutions: nSightful met with the client, listened to their concerns and proposed several data hygiene processes including flagging for deceased records. nSightful flagged approximately 7% of the file. Results: The client segmented the flagged records and removed them from the regular donation mailing schedule. They reduced their production/mailing and postage expense by approximately $35,000.00. Complaints from surviving relatives dropped off dramatically as well increasing their goodwill and employee morale. |
Contact one of our experienced sales consultants at 866-249-1977 or email today! |
2024 Direct Mail Strategy
As you plan your sales and marketing for 2024, you want to get more results with fewer resources. One of the ways you can do