As I am working from my home office with my dogs guarding the house, I wanted to jot down some thoughts about working from home, challenges and pleasant surprises.
– Take your office chair home with you. The kitchen chair is good for dinner, not for work.
– Take a monitor home with you. Your significant other will likely be using home office space also.
– Go back and get your plants.
– Go back and get the snacks you left in your office drawer or the lunch in the refrigerator.
– Maintain your morning routine for getting ready for work.
– Work with your network administrator and tech support people.
Understand they are being bombarded with requests from people who don’t understand how a computer works.
– Tech people. Help us help you. Speak in “layman’s” terms. From personal experience a “client” to you is the email program I am using (I think). To me the “client” is the person buying our product/service so that we can stay in business.
– Pets are off kilter as well. Their schedule is to watch you out the door then go back to bed. You are messing up their schedule.
– Your work commute time is now a walk with the dogs.
– For my friends who have been working from home prior to all of this, how many of you are smiling at this as the rest of us deal with the conversion?
– And please don’t forget to check in with others including our “extrovert” friends. This isolation is a VERY BIG deal for them.
I will be excited to get back to our changed “normal” once this crisis is over. For now, enjoy the opportunities this challenge is showing us. I have a picture on my wall to remind me “a bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to turn”.
Greg Good
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