Expand your prospect universe with our ConsumerVision database of consumers. Unparalleled in its scope, our consumer database contains over 250 million individuals, 100+ million U.S. households, 140 million mobile phone records, 100 million landline phone records, and 300+ million opt-in email addresses.
Choose from over 500 data segments – including demographic, lifestyle, buying behavior and more – to build your customized target audience.
Our ConsumerVision database will help you:
- Grow your targetable universe
- Strengthen customer loyalty and value
- Acquire new customers
- Drive more personalized customer experiences
- Drive online and offline campaign performance
nSightful provides flexible, cost effective, high quality email marketing solutions. Turbo is always available 24/7 if you need to process a count, order, or append.
If you need help building a successful email marketing strategy call 866-249-1977 or email sales@nSightful.com today!